Previously Owned (used) Books


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Manufacturer Item # Product Type+ Product Name Quantity Price
~unknown manufacturer unknownAOSused Hardcover Book The Age Of Steam The Age Of Steam 4 1 $25.00
Motorbooks International MOTATDRused Hardcover Book The American Train Depot & Roundhouse (used) The American Train Depot & Roundhouse (used) 4 1 $29.95  $20.00
Golden West Books GWBBLER69used Hardcover Book The Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad 1869-1969 The Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad 1869-1969 4
Railroad: Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad
1 $25.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownCPSPRused Hardcover Book The Central Pacific & The Southern Pacific Railroads The Central Pacific & The Southern Pacific Railroads 4
Railroad: Southern Pacific
1 $10.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownCMBRused Hardcover Book The Circus Moves By Rail The Circus Moves By Rail 4
Railroad: circus
1 $30.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownCCRAused Hardcover Book The Collected Colorado Rail Annual (used) The Collected Colorado Rail Annual (used) 4 1 $15.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownCBOMRused Hardcover Book The Complete Book of Model Railroading The Complete Book of Model Railroading 4 1 $5.00
UB173 Hardcover Book The Great Northern Railway: A History The Great Northern Railway: A History 4 1 $30.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownHGOSused Hardcover Book The Hornby Gauge O System (used) The Hornby Gauge O System (used) 4 1 $29.99
UB109 Hardcover Book The Locomotives that Baldwin Built The Locomotives that Baldwin Built 4 1 $16.00  $10.00
UB110 Hardcover Book The Lore of the Train The Lore of the Train 4 1 $16.00  $10.00
UB113 Hardcover Book The Love of Trains The Love of Trains 4 1 $8.00  $5.00
Kalmbach Publishing Company UB119 Hardcover Book The Nickel Plate Story The Nickel Plate Story 4
Railroad: Nickel Plate Road (New York, Chicago & Saint Louis Railroad)
1 $74.95  $15.00
Kalmbach Publishing Company KPC01059used Hardcover Book The Nickel Plate Story (copy 2) The Nickel Plate Story (copy 2) 4
Railroad: Nickel Plate Road (New York, Chicago & Saint Louis Railroad)
1 $16.50  $15.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownTOLused Hardcover Book The Overland Limited The Overland Limited 4 1 $8.00
Golden West Books GWBSPLAused Hardcover Book The Southern Pacific in Los Angeles 1973-1996 The Southern Pacific in Los Angeles 1973-1996 4
Railroad: Southern Pacific
1 $70.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownSLCNACused Hardcover Book The Steam Locomotive -  A Century of North American Classics The Steam Locomotive - A Century of North American Classics 4 1 $15.00
UB194 Hardcover Book The Trains We Rode The Trains We Rode 4 1 $65.00  $40.00
UB136 Hardcover Book The Treasury of the Automobile The Treasury of the Automobile 4 1 $12.00  $5.00
UB141 Hardcover Book Toy Autos 1890-1939: The Peter Ottenheimer Collection Toy Autos 1890-1939: The Peter Ottenheimer Collection 4 1 $70.00  $10.00
Morning Sun Books MSB1145used Hardcover Book Trackside Around Philadelphia 1946-1969 Trackside Around Philadelphia 1946-1969 4 1 $54.95  $45.00
UB169 Hardcover Book Trains (A Grosset All-Color Guide) Trains (A Grosset All-Color Guide) 4 1 $5.00
UB151 Hardcover Book Treasury of Early American Automobiles 1877-1925 Treasury of Early American Automobiles 1877-1925 4 1 $12.00  $5.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownTWused Hardcover Book Turbines Westward Turbines Westward 4
Railroad: Union Pacific
1 $25.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownVVused Hardcover Book Vanishing Varnish Vanishing Varnish 4 1 $20.00
Four Ways West Publications FWWWPCP1used Hardcover Book Western Pacific Color Pictorial Volume One Western Pacific Color Pictorial Volume One 4
Railroad: Western Pacific
1 $49.95  $25.00
~unknown manufacturer unknownWPPused Hardcover Book Western Pacific Pictorial Western Pacific Pictorial 4
Railroad: Western Pacific
1 $75.00
Morning Sun Books MSB1554used Hardcover Book Western Pacific Power In Color (used) Western Pacific Power In Color (used)
Railroad: Western Pacific
1 $59.95  $40.00
self published SELFWPSLPTCused Hardcover Book Western Pacific Steam Locomotives, Passenger Trains and Cars Western Pacific Steam Locomotives, Passenger Trains and Cars 4
Railroad: Western Pacific
1 $50.00
Shade Tree Books STBWPDYused Hardcover Book Western Pacific's Diesel Years (used, hardbound) Western Pacific's Diesel Years (used, hardbound) 4 1 $75.00

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Product Notes:
1. This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is limited to the quantity on hand.
2. This product has been discontinued by The Western Depot and is limited to the quantity on hand.
3. This item was produced exclusively for The Western Depot.
4. This item is out of print and is limited to the quantity on hand.