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Lionel Tubular Track Replacement Tender Shells for Li Williams By Bachmann Chuggington™ Williams Sets Williams Accessories Williams Steam Locomotives Williams Diesel Locomotives Williams Electric Locomotives Williams Motorized Units Williams Passenger Cars Williams Freight Cars Williams Girl's Trains Williams Track & Related O Scale Plasticville Sunset Models 3rd Rail Athearn O Kadee O Scale O Scale 2-Rail Intermountain O Gauge Golden Gate Depot O Gauge JT's Mega-Steam smoke fluid O Scale Track Atlas O 2-Rail Track Atlas O 3-rail Track Lionel Track Lionel FasTrack Tubular Lionel Type Track/Access MTH RealTrax SuperStreets / E-Z Streets Williams Track K-Line Track & Related O Scale Buildings O Scale Decals O Scale Details O Scale Figures O Scale Vehicles Miscellaneous O Gauge HO Scale HOn3 Accurail HO American Limited HO Athearn HO Athearn Genesis HO Genesis HO Freight Cars Genesis HO Locomotives Genesis HO Passenger Cars Athearn HO Accessories Athearn HO Freight Cars Athearn HO Locomotives Athearn HO Parts Athearn HO Passenger Cars Atlas HO Atlas HO Buildings Atlas HO Freight Cars Atlas HO Lighting System Atlas HO Locomotives Atlas HO Passenger Cars Atlas HO Track Atlas HO Vehicles/Containers Bachmann HO Bachmann HO Accessories Bachmann HO Cars Bachmann HO DCC Bachmann HO Locomotives Bachmann HO Track Bachmann HO Train Sets Bowser HO Bowser HO Freight Cars Bowser HO Locomotives Broadway Limited Imports HO Broadway Limited HO Locomotives Broadway LTD HO Rolling Stock Chooch Enterprises HO Details West HO HO Brass HO Buildings & Accessories HO Decals HO Detail Parts HO Figures HO Freight Car Load HO Freight Car Trucks HO Track Atlas HO Track Bachmann HO E-Z Track Kato HO Unitrack Midwest Cork Roadbed Other HO Track Peco HO Track Shinohara HO Track Walthers HO Track HO Vehicles Intermountain HO Intermountain HO Freight Cars Intermountain HO Locomotives Kadee HO Kadee HO Couplers & Accessories Kato HO Kato HO Locomotives Kato HO Rolling Stock Kato HO Track Kato HO Train Set Life-Like HO MTH HO Other HO HO Couplers HO Freight Cars HO Locomotives HO Passenger Cars Proto Power West/A-Line HO Rapido HO Rapido HO Freight Cars Rapido HO Locomotives Rapido HO Passenger Cars Red Caboose HO Rivarossi HO Roundhouse HO Roundhouse HO Freight Cars Roundhouse HO Locomotives Roundhouse HO Passenger Cars Walthers HO Walthers HO Buildings Walthers HO Freight Cars Walthers HO Loads Walthers HO Locomotives Walthers HO Passenger Cars Walthers HO Track Walthers HO Vehicles Wheels Of Time HO N Scale Athearn N Scale Athearn N Containers & Vehicles Athearn N Freight Cars Athearn N Locomotives Athearn N Passenger Cars Atlas N Scale Atlas N Buildings Atlas N Freight Cars Atlas N Lighting System Atlas N Locomotives Atlas N Track Bachmann N Scale Bachmann N Locomotives Bachmann N Rolling Stock Bachmann N Scale Buildings Bachmann N Track Bachmann N Train Sets BLMA Models N Scale Bluford Shops N Scale Bowser N Scale Broadway Limited Imports N Scale BLI N Scale Freight Cars BLI N Scale Locomotives Centralia Car Shops N Scale deLuxe Innovations N Scale Eastern Seaboard Models N Scale Fox Valley Models N Scale Intermountain Railway Co N Scale Intermountain N Freight Cars Intermountain N Locomotives Intermountain N Wheels Jacksonville Terminal Company N Kato N Scale Kato N Buildings Kato N Containers/Vehicle Kato N Decoder/Sound Card Kato N Electrical/Track Accessor Kato N Figures Kato N Freight Cars Kato N Locomotives Kato N Parts Kato N Passenger Cars Kato N Scale Track Kato N Train Sets Life Like N Scale Micro-Trains N Scale Micro-Trains N Accessories Micro-Trains N Couplers & Trucks Micro-Trains N Freight Cars Micro-Trains N Locomotives & Set Micro-Trains N Passenger Cars Micro-Trains N Runner Packs Micro-Trains N Weathered Miscellaneous N Scale N Scale Accessories N Scale Buildings N Scale DCC Decoders N Scale Decals N Scale Figures N Scale Track Atlas N Track Bachmann N E-Z Track Kato N Track Midwest Cork Roadbed Peco N Track N Scale Vehicles Rapido Trains N Scale Trainworx N Scale Walthers N Scale Walthers N Scale Buildings Wheels Of Time N Scale Woodland Scenics N Buildings Tinplate Trains Tinplate Track G Gauge Bachmann G LGB G Gauge Piko G Z Scale S Gauge Track and Car Maintenance Train Sets HO R-T-R Train Sets N R-T-R Train Sets O R-T-R Train Sets Model Train Controls DC Train Controls MRC Power Packs DCC Digitrax North Coast Engineering SoundTraxx TCS Legacy / DCS / TMCC O Gauge Traditional AC Controls Electrical Items Circuitron Electrical Switches LEDs and Electrical Items Light Bulbs Locomotive Lighting Miniatronics Display Cases Books / Videos / Other Media Books Model Railroading Books Prototype Railroading Books Previously Owned (used) Books Magazines Videos Scenery Supplies Scratch Building Products Hobby Paint Tools Mascot Tools K & S Engineering Tools Other Tools Slot Cars Plastic Models Games & Related Odds & Ends Advertised Specials Games Closeout Gift Certificates Toys Used Items Used Books Used G Gauge Used HO Scale Used N Scale Used O Gauge Scratch, Dent & Defective Items
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All Manufacturers ~unknown manufacturer 2 Ponies Publishing 3D to Scale™ 3rd Rail (Sunset Models Inc.) Academy Hobby Model Kits Accu-Lites, Inc. Accurail Ace Plastic Model Co. Ace Trains Airfix Alexander Scale Models Alliance Game Distributors Allied Manufacturing Corp. (TIX) Alpha Abrasives Alpine Division Scale Models, LLC Altamont Press Amercom Hobby American Art Clay Co., Inc. American Limited American Model Builders, Inc. American Z Line AMMO by MIG Jimenez Ane Model Co., Ltd. Arcadia Publishing Arii Plastic Model Aristo-Craft Trains Arnold Rapido Asmodee Athearn Atlas Model Railroad Co. Atlas O B.T.S. Structures B&B Hobby Supplies Bachmann® Badger Bar Mills Scale Model Works BBM Group, LLC Bburago® Bershire Valley Models Bézier Games, Inc. Blackstone Models Blade Blair Line BLMA Models Bluford Shops Boston Mills Press Bowser Manufacturing Branchline Trains Brekina Automodelle Brightboy Abrasives Brinkman Publishing LLC Broadway Limited Imports Brooklyn Peddler Brotherwise Games Buildings Unlimited Bullfrog SNOT Busch C&J Buckle Company Caboose Industries Cal-Scale California Model Company/ Alpine Calumet Trains Campbell Scale Models Cannon & Company Cararama® Carstens Publications, Inc. Catan Studio, Inc. Catenary Video Productions Central Valley Centralia Car Shops Cephalofair Games CGM Enterprises , Inc. Charles Smiley Presents Chooch Enterprises Inc. Circuitron City Classics Classic Metal Works CMX Products Coastmans Scenic Products Cochetopa Press Colorado Railroad Historical Fou Con-Cor Corgi Creative Screen Process Custom Finishing Models Dapol Daylight Sales, LLC Days Of Wonder DCC Concepts DCC Specialties deLuxe Innovations Deluxe Materials Des Plaines Hobbies Design Preservation Models Detail Associates Details West Diecast Masters Digitrax Donagan Optical Company, Inc. Downtown Deco Durango Press DV Giochi Dynamite E & C Shops Eagle-Gryphon Games Eaglemoss Ltd. Eastern Seaboard Models Corporation Editions Atlas Eel River Models Electric RR Co. Ertl ESU LLC EuroGraphics Inc. Evergreen Scale Models ExactRail Excel Hobby Blades Corp. Faller Fantasy Flight Games Father Nature Fireside Games First Gear® First Response Replicas Fisher-Price® Forbidden Games Four Ways West Publications Fox Valley Models G&J Company GaleForce™ Nine Games GarGraves Trackage Corporation GCLaser Gearbox Toys General GHQ GMP Parts Department Gold Medal Models Golden Gate Depot Golden Rail Video Golden West Books Grand Central Gems Inc. Grand Central Scenery Grandt Line Great American Products Green Frog Productions, Ltd. Greenlight Hangar 9 Heimburger House Publishing Company Heljan Herpa® Hi-Tech Details Hobby & Work Publishing Srl Hobby Craft Specialties Hobby Master Limited Horizon Hobby Hot Wire Foam Factory Hundman Publishing Iconografix Intermountain Railway Co. International Hobby Corp Islington Station Products Jacksonville Terminal Company Jaeger HO Products JL Innovative Design Johnny Lightning JT's Mega-Steam JTT Scenery Products K & S Engineering K-Line Kadee Kalmbach Publishing Company Kato Keil-Line Products Kibri Korber Models Kramer Products Labelle Industries Learning Curve LGB Life-Like Products Lifecolor Lionel Lonestar Models Looney Labs Lucky Die Cast Ludonaute M.V. Products Mantua Classics Märklin Mascot Precision Tools (Grobet) Matagot Mattel McHenry McMillan Publications, Inc. Merten Micro Engineering Micro Structures Micro-Trains Line Co. Microscale Industries Midwest Products Co., Inc. Miller Engineering Miniatronics MLR Manufacturing Company Model Power Model Railstuff Model Rectifier Corporation Model Tech Studios Monroe Models Monte Vista Publishing Morning Sun Books Motor City Motorart Motorbooks International MotorMax® Motrak Models MTH Electric Trains® NCE Corporation New Bright Industrial Co., Ltd. New River Models NewRay Nimbus Marketing NJ International, Inc. NMRA Noch Norscot Scale Models North American N Scale Publishing North Bank Line NorthEastern Scale Models, Inc. NorthWest Short Line O Gauge Railroading Oso Publishing Company Oxford Diecast USA P.I. Engineering Pacer Technology LLC Pandasaurus Games Peco Pentrex Pikestuff Piko Plaid Hat Games Plastruct Platinum Rail Publications Pola Models Pre-Size Model Specialties Precision Craft Models Precision Scale Co., Inc. Preiser Pride Lines Ltd. Promotex Proto Power West / A-Line R & L Lines, LLC Rail Power Products Rail Runner Custom Cars RailMaster Hobbies Inc. Railroad Line Models Rapido Trains Inc. Ravensburger Ready Made Trains, LLC Realistic Backgrounds Red Caboose Repos Production Repro Ribbonrail Ricko Limited Ring Engineering Rivarossi River Point Station Rix Products RK Publishing Rock Island Hobby Roco Rokuhan Rolland Industrial Limited Ross Custom Switches Roundhouse S-Helper Service Inc Scalecoat Paint Scalextric Scenic Express Schuco self published Shade Tree Books Shinohara Signature Press Silverlake Images Smirk & Dagger Games SoundTraxx South Platte Press Squadron Products Starling Games Steamscenes Steve Jackson Games Stonemaier Games Stronghold Games Suncoast Models Sunset Models Inc. SunsOut, Inc. Sword Models TAM Industries Tam Valley Depot Tamiya Testors The N Scale Architect Tichy Train Group TLC Publishing TM Books & Video Tomar Industries Tomix Tomy® Tonkin Replicas Train Control Systems Trainworx Trainz.com Trident Trix Tru-Color Paint Trucks 'n' Stuff Unique Replicas Universal Hobbies University of Nevada Press USA Trains USAopoly® Viessmann Vitesse Vollmer Voyageur Press Walthers Weaver Models Westerfield Western Depot Westlake Publishing Company Wheels Of Time Whistles Unlimited White River Productions Inc. Wiking William Tell International, Inc. Williams Electric Trains Wire Works Withers Publishing Woodland Scenics® WSI Models X-ACTO Xuron Corportation YesterYear Models Z-Man Games Z-Stuff for Trains Zap (Pacer Technology LLC) Zona Tool Co.
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1. This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is limited to the quantity on hand.
2. This product has been discontinued by The Western Depot and is limited to the quantity on hand.
3. This item was produced exclusively for The Western Depot.
4. This item is out of print and is limited to the quantity on hand.
Product Type:
Any Type Model Train Accessory Bridge / Trestle Building / Structure Building Details & Parts Decals Figures Model Vehicle Operating Accessory Scenery Material Scenic Detail Scratch Building Supplies Signals and related Street Lamps and other lighting details Couplers model train control DCC Accessories DCC Decoders DCC System Track Train Set Locomotive Diesel Locomotive Alco (American Locomotive Company) C415 C420 C424 C425 C430 C628 C630 C636 C643H C855 DL109 / DL110 FA-1 FA-2 FP-4 HH600 HH660 PA-1 RS-1 RS-10 RS-11 RS-18 RS-2 RS-23 RS-27 RS-3 RS-32 RS-36 RSC-13 RSC-2 RSC-24 RSC-3 RSD-1 RSD-12 RSD-15 RSD-17 RSD-4 RSD-5 RSD-7 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 Baldwin AS-16 AS-416 AS-616 DR 12-8-3000 (Centipede) DR4-4-1500 (Babyface) DRS 6-6-1500 DS4-4-1000 RF16 (Sharknose) RS12 S-12 S-8 VO-1000 VO-660 EMD (Electro-Motive Division) / GMDD (GM Diesel Division) BL-2 DD35 DDA40X E3 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 F2 F3 F40PH F45 F59PHI F7 F9 FL9 FP45 FP7 FP9 FT GMD-1 GP15 GP18 GP20 GP30 GP35 GP38 GP38-2 GP39-2 GP40 GP40-2 GP40-2P GP50 GP60 GP60B GP60M GP7 GP9 Model 40 MP15 NW2 SD18 SD24 SD26 (SD24 rebuild) SD35 SD38 SD38-2 SD39 SD40 SD40-2 SD40-2F SD40M-2 SD40T-2 SD45 SD45-2 SD45T-2 SD50 SD59M-2 SD60 SD60E SD60M SD7 SD70 SD70ACe (SD70AH) SD70ACU SD70M SD70MAC SD75I SD75M SD80MAC SD9 SD90-43MAC SD90MAC SDP40F SDP45 SW1 SW1000 SW1200 SW1500 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW900 Fairbanks Morse C-Liner Erie-Built H10-44 H12-44 H15-44 H16-44 H16-66 Baby Trainmaster H20-44 H24-66 Trainmaster GE (General Electric) 25-Ton 44-Ton 70-Ton AC4400CW AC6000CW B23-7 B30-7 B32-8 B32-8W B36-7 B36-8 B39-8 B40-8 B40-8W Boxcab C30-7 C32-8 C36-7 C39-8 C40-8 C40-8W C40-9 C40-9W C44-9W ES40DC ES44AC ES44AH ES44DC ET44AC P40-8 Genesis P42DC Turbine U18B U23B U23C U25B U25C U28B U28C U30B U30C U33B U33C U36B U36C U50 U50C Krauss-Maffei Montreal Locomotive Works (MLW) M420 M424 M630 M636 M640 Motive Power Industries GP15D GP20D MP1500D MP2000C MP2000D MP20B MP20C-3 MP21B MP21BH MP32PH MP36PH MP40PH MP54AC MPF40PH National Railway Equipment 3GS21B Genset Plymouth Siemens Rail Systems ACS-64 "City Sprinter" ALC-42 "Charger" SC-44 "Charger" Whitcomb Electric Locomotive ACS-64 AEM-7 BB1 BB3 E-2 bi-polar EF-2 EF-3 EF-4 EP-2 bi-polar EP-3 EP-5 FF-1 GG-1 HHP-8 L-5 “Little Joe” P5a S2 Steeple Cab locomotive parts Motorized Unit Budd RDC RDC-1 RDC-2 RDC-3 RDC-4 handcar motorized vehicle speeder Steam Locomotive 0-4-0 0-4-2 0-6-0 0-6-2 0-8-0 0-8-8-0 2-10-0 Decapod 2-10-10-2 2-10-2 Santa Fe 2-10-4 Texas 2-4-2 2-4-4 2-6-0 Mogul 2-6-2 Prairie 2-6-6-2 2-6-6-6 Allegheny 2-6-8-0 2-8-0 Consolidation 2-8-2 Mikado 2-8-4 Berkshire 2-8-8-0 2-8-8-2 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone 2-8-8-8-2 Triplex 4-12-2 4-4-0 American 4-4-2 Atlantic 4-4-4 4-4-4-4 4-6-0 Ten Wheeler 4-6-2 Pacific 4-6-4 Hudson 4-6-6 4-6-6-4 Challenger 4-8-0 Twelve Wheeler 4-8-2 Mountain 4-8-4 Northern 4-8-8-2 4-8-8-4 Big Boy 6-8-6 Climax Climax: 2-truck Climax: 3-truck Heisler Heisler: 2-truck Heisler: 3-truck Shay Shay: 2-truck Shay: 3-truck Shay: 4-truck tender Subway Trolley / Streetcar / Interurban Rolling Stock Freight Car auto carrier boxcar caboose caboose: bay window caboose: bobber caboose: extended vision caboose: standard cupola caboose: transfer caboose: work coil car dumping car flatcar flatcar: bulkhead flatcar: center beam flatcar: depressed center flatcar: piggyback (TOFC) flatcar: standard freight car load freight car parts freight set gondola hopper hopper: covered hopper: open livestock car log car operating car operating aquarium car operating boxcar operating chase car operating dump car operating hopper rotating part car ore car refrigerator car refrigerator car: ice cooled refrigerator car: mechanically cooled RoadRailer specialized freight car spine car tank car tank car with 1 dome tank car with 2 domes tank car with 3 domes tank car with no domes vat car well car / double stack car Maintenance of Way blacksmith car bunk car crane car crane tender / boom car engineering car firefighting car floodlight car Jordan spreader scale test car snow plow snow plow: rotary snow plow: wedge Passenger Car baggage car business car coach combine diner excursion car hospital car kitchen car lounge car observation car passenger car parts passenger set railway post office sleeper steam heater car vista dome vista dome: full length vista dome: standard Book Hardcover Book Softcover Book Calendar Collectible Item Computer Software Game Software Reference Software Display Case electronics lighting Hat jigsaw puzzle Magazine Pennant Slot Cars Slot Car Accessory Slot Car Set Slot Car Track Slot Car Vehicle Storage Case Tool Adhesive Fasteners Lubricant Paint Weathering Powder Toy Video Blu-ray DVD VHS Board Game Card Game Dice Game Plastic Model Belt Buckle Furniture Sign T-Shirt Gift Certificate (all subtypes of the selected type will also be shown)
Any Value 1/36 1/64 1/72 HO HOn2 HOn3 N Nn3 O O (1/43) O (1/48) O (1/50) O (1/53) On3 On30 (a.k.a. On2½) three-rail O gauge 3-Rail O gauge scale size 3-Rail O gauge semi-scale 3-Rail O gauge tinplate two-rail O scale Standard Gauge S gauge (American Flyer size) G gauge (a.k.a. One Gauge) #1 (1/32 G gauge) 1/22.5 (G gauge) 1/24 (G gauge) 1/29 (G gauge) Fn3 (1/20.3 G gauge) Z
Reporting Marks
Any Value * contains items for multiple railroads ACE (Altamont Corridor Express, formerly Altamont Commuter Express) Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad Alaska Railroad Algoma Central Railway Allegheny and Eastern Railroad Alton Railroad (Chicago & Alton) Amador Central Railroad American Flyer American Refrigerator Transit Company (ART) Amtrak Ann Arbor Apache Railway Apalachicola Northern Arcata and Mad River Railroad Arizona & California Railroad Arizona Eastern Railway Arkansas-Oklahoma Railroad Ashley, Drew & Northern Railway Atlanta & Saint Andrews Bay Railway Atlanta and West Point Railroad Atlantic & Western Railway Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio Bangor & Aroostook Bath & Hammondsport Railroad Company BC Rail beer Anheuser Busch Coors Miller other beer Pabst Brewing Company Schlitz® Stroh's Belt Railway Company of Chicago Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Big Red Line (Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway) BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Boston & Albany Boston & Maine British Columbia Railway Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Burlington Northern Burlington Route (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy) Cadiz Railroad California Northern California Western Railroad Caltrain Cambria & Indiana Camino Placerville & Lake Tahoe Railroad Canadian Forest Products Canadian National Canadian Northern Railway Canadian Pacific CP Rail candy Hershey’s® M&M’s® Nestlé® Canton Railroad Company Caterpillar® Central California Traction Central Of Georgia Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Central Pacific Central Texas & Colorado River Railway Central Vermont Railway Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad chemical company Chesapeake & Ohio Chessie System Chicago & Eastern Illinois Chicago & Illinois Midland Railroad Chicago & North Western Chicago Great Western Chicago, Fort Wayne and Eastern Railroad Chuggington circus Great American Circus other circus Ringling Brothers City Of Prineville Railway Clarendon and Pittsford Railroad Clinchfield Railroad collector club Colorado & Wyoming Railway Colorado and Southern Railway Colorado Midland Railway Columbia and Cowlitz Railway Conrail Cotton Belt (St. Louis Southwestern) CSX Dakota & Iowa Railroad Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern Railroad Delaware & Hudson demonstrator paint scheme for builder Department of Transportation Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad Detroit and Mackinac Railway Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Disney Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Durango & Silverton Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Erie Lackawanna Railway Erie Railroad Erie Western Railway Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Evergreen Freight Car Corporation Ferrocarril Del Pacifico Ferromex (Ferrocarril Mexicano) Ferrosur (Ferrocarril del Sureste) Florida East Coast Ford Fort Worth and Western Railroad Frisco (St. Louis San Francisco Railway) Fruit Growers Express Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Golden West Service Grand Trunk Western Great Northern Green Bay & Western Green Mountain Railroad Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Harley-Davidson® Harry Potter Hillcrest Lumber Company Hoboken Shore Railroad Holiday Christmas Polar Express Halloween Independence Day Saint Patricks Day Thanksgiving Illinois Central Illinois Central Gulf Illinois Terminal Indiana Harbor Belt Indiana Rail Road Company Internacional Mexicano International Bridge and Terminal Railway Iowa Interstate Iowa, Chicago & Eastern Railroad Jersey Central (Central Railroad of New Jersey) John Deere Kansas City Southern Kansas City Terminal Railway Katy (Missouri Kansas Texas) Kennecott Copper Corporation Lackawanna (Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad) Laurinburg and Southern Railroad leasing company Lehigh & New England Railroad Lehigh Valley Lionel Lines Long Island Railroad Longview, Portland and Northern Railway Louisville & Nashville Luxury Lines Maine Central Maintenance of Way Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Maryland Midland Railway McCloud River Railroad Company Medford, Talent & Lakecreek Metra Metro-North Railroad Metrolink Michigan Central Railroad military Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines National Guard Navy Milwaukee Road (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific) Minneapolis & St. Louis Minneapolis Northfield & Southern Minnesota, Dakota and Western Railway Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad (MNA) Missouri Pacific Railroad (Mopac) Mobile and Ohio Railroad Monon (Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway) Montana Rail Link Moscow, Camden & San Augustine Railroad MTH Nacionales de México (Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México) Napa Valley Wine Train NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway Nevada Northern Railway New England Central Railroad New Haven (New York, New Haven & Hartford) New Orleans Public Belt Railroad New York Central New York, Ontario and Western Railway Nickel Plate Road (New York, Chicago & Saint Louis Railroad) Norfolk & Western Norfolk Southern North Louisiana & Gulf Railroad Northern Alberta Railways Northern Central Railway Northern Pacific Northwestern Oklahoma Railroad Northwestern Pacific oil company Amoco BP Chevron Citgo Esso Exxon Gulf Mobil Pure Oil Shell Standard Oil Sunoco (Sun Oil Company) Texaco Union 76 Ontario Northland Railway Oregon California & Eastern Railway Oregon Pacific & Eastern Railroad Pacific Electric Pacific Fruit Express Pacific Great Eastern Pacific Harbor Line Pan Am Railways Penn Central Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Reading Seashore Lines Pere Marquette Railway Philadelphia and Reading Piedmont and Northern Railway Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Pittsburgh and West Virginia Railway Port Harbor Railroad Port Huron & Detroit Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad Portland & Western Railroad Providence and Worcester Railroad Company Pullman Quebec Central Railway Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway RailBox Railway Express Agency Reading And Northern Railroad Reading Blue Mountain & Northern Railroad Reading Company Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Rio Grande (Denver & Rio Grande Western) Rio Grande Southern Rock Island (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific) Rocky Mountaineer Roscoe, Snyder & Pacific Railway Rutland Railway Sacramento Northern San Diego and Arizona Railway San Luis and Rio Grande Railroad Santa Fe (Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe) Savannah & Atlanta Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Coast Line Seaboard System Seattle & North Coast Railroad Sierra Railroad Company soft drinks Coca-Cola® other soft drink Pepsi Soo Line (Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie) Sound Transit South Pacific Coast Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway of British Columbia specialty roadname Spokane International Railroad Spokane, Portland & Seattle St. Maries River Railroad St. Mary's Railway West LLC Steelton & Highspire Railroad Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad Strasburg Railroad Susquehanna (New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway) Tacoma Rail Texas & New Orleans Railroad Texas & Pacific Texas Mexican Texas South-Eastern Railroad Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad The Belt Railway Company of Chicago Thomas & Friends™ Tidewater Southern Toledo, Peoria & Western Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway Trailer Train (TTX Company) Tropicana Uintah Railway undecorated Union Pacific Union Railroad of Oregon Union Refrigerator Transit Company Union Tank Car Co. UPS (United Parcel Service) Utah Central Railway Utah Railway Vermont Northern Railroad Vermont Railway VIA Rail Virginia & Truckee Virginian Railway VRE (Virginia Railway Express) Wabash Railroad Warwick Railway Washington Central Railroad (WCRC) West Side Lumber Company Western & Atlantic Railroad Western Maryland Railway Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad Western Pacific Western Railway of Alabama Weyerhaeuser Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway White City Terminal & Utility Railroad White Pass & Yukon Route Railway Willamette & Pacific Railroad Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Co. Wisconsin Central Yorkrail, Inc. Yreka Western
Paint Scheme
Any Value bicentennial commemorative demonstrator fantasy (a "What if?" scheme that did not exist on the prototype) heritage Operation Lifesaver Santa Fe warbonnet Southern Pacific black widow Southern Pacific bloody nose Southern Pacific Daylight Southern Pacific Kodachrome Southern Pacific speed lettering Texas Special (Frisco / M-K-T) Western Pacific green Western Pacific orange Western Pacific silver & orange
Any Value craftsman kit fully assembled kit some assembly required
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