Scenery Supplies

Scenery Supplies

Scratch Building Products
Scratch Building Products


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Manufacturer Item #+ Product Type Product Name Quantity Price
American Art Clay Co., Inc. AMACO41821 Scenery Material Sculpatmold 3-Pound Bag Sculpatmold 3-Pound Bag 8 $14.50
Bachmann® BAC32004 Scenic Detail 5" to 6" spruce trees 6-pack 5" to 6" spruce trees 6-pack 4 $18.50
Bachmann® BAC32007 Scenic Detail 2.5" to 3.5" walnut trees 3-pack 2.5" to 3.5" walnut trees 3-pack 1 $20.00  $18.00
Bachmann® BAC32201 Scenery Material 8" - 10" pine trees 3-pack 8" - 10" pine trees 3-pack
Scale: O
1 $23.00
Bachmann® BAC32202 Scenery Material 8" - 10" pine trees with snow 3-pack 8" - 10" pine trees with snow 3-pack
Scale: O
1 $23.00  $20.70
Bachmann® BAC32203 Scenery Material 8" - 10" conifer trees 3-pack 8" - 10" conifer trees 3-pack
Scale: O
2 $26.00  $23.40
Bachmann® BAC32204 Scenery Material 8" - 10" spruce trees 3-pack 8" - 10" spruce trees 3-pack
Scale: O
6 $25.00  $20.00
Bachmann® BAC32205 Scenery Material 8" - 10" cedar trees 3-pack 8" - 10" cedar trees 3-pack
Scale: O
4 $19.00
Bachmann® BAC32206 Scenery Material 5.5" - 6.5" deciduous trees 2-pack 5.5" - 6.5" deciduous trees 2-pack
Scale: O
2 $23.00
Bachmann® BAC32207 Scenic Detail 5" walnut trees 2-pack 5" walnut trees 2-pack
Scale: O
6 $21.00
Bachmann® BAC32208 Scenery Material 5.5" elm trees 2-pack 5.5" elm trees 2-pack
Scale: O
4 $29.00  $26.00
Bachmann® BAC32209 Scenery Material 8" sycamore trees 2-pack 8" sycamore trees 2-pack
Scale: O
2 $26.50  $21.00
Bachmann® BAC32210 Scenery Material 8" aspen trees 2-pack 8" aspen trees 2-pack
Scale: O
1 $23.00
Bachmann® BAC32211 Scenery Material 8" maple trees 2-pack 8" maple trees 2-pack
Scale: O
4 $28.00  $22.40
Bachmann® BAC32212 Scenery Material 8" - 10" blue spruce trees 3-pack 8" - 10" blue spruce trees 3-pack
Scale: O
2 $25.00  $20.00
Bachmann® BAC32213 Scenery Material 4.5" - 5" oak trees 2-pack 4.5" - 5" oak trees 2-pack
Scale: O
10 $29.00  $26.00
Bowser Manufacturing BOW20 Storage Case Plastic Parts Storage Box 6-pack (colors may vary) Plastic Parts Storage Box 6-pack (colors may vary) 1 $6.95
Busch BUS1106 Scenic Detail Concrete Slab Pavement Concrete Slab Pavement
Scale: HO
1 $14.99
Busch BUS9712 Scenic Detail City Intersection City Intersection
Scale: HO
2 $14.99
Chooch Enterprises Inc. CEI8250 Scenic Detail Small Random Stone Wall Small Random Stone Wall 2 $14.98
Chooch Enterprises Inc. CEI8252 Scenic Detail Medium Random Stone Wall Medium Random Stone Wall 2 $14.98
Chooch Enterprises Inc. CEI8260 Scenic Detail Small Cut Stone Wall Small Cut Stone Wall 2 $14.98
Chooch Enterprises Inc. CEI8262 Scenic Detail Medium Cut Stone Wall Medium Cut Stone Wall 2 $14.98
Chooch Enterprises Inc. CEI8264 Scenery Material Large Cut Stone Wall Large Cut Stone Wall 8 $14.98
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG21708 Scenery Material chartreuse SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) chartreuse SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) 1 $9.99
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG23080 Scenery Material basil SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag basil SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag 3 $9.99
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG23090 Scenery Material brown SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag brown SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag 1 $9.99
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG23136 Scenery Material mint SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag mint SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) bag 1 $9.99
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG25116 Scenery Material moss green SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) moss green SuperMoss® preserved reindeer moss 0.85 in³ (1.4 dm³) 2 $9.99
Grand Central Gems Inc. GCG295-LL4 Scenic Detail medium log load with chains medium log load with chains 1 $15.00

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Product Notes:
1. This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is limited to the quantity on hand.
2. This product has been discontinued by The Western Depot and is limited to the quantity on hand.
3. This item was produced exclusively for The Western Depot.
4. This item is out of print and is limited to the quantity on hand.